Topic: Hospice Patient Family Resources

Review, study and download our freely available online hospice education, articles and guides on the subject of the Hospice Patient Family Resources.

8 Guidelines For Using Oxygen in Hospice

A Guide on How to Give a Bed Bath

A Guide on How to Help Someone Stand

A Guide to Celebrate Life by Telling Your Story

A Guide to Easing Dry Mouth in Hospice Patients

A Guide to Food and Fluids at the End of Life

A Guide to Incontinence Care

A Guide to Talking with Children About Death and Grief

A Guide to Using Medication in Hospice

A Hospice Care Checklist of Things to Find

A Quick Guide To Proper Mouth Care

Advance Directives for Health Care

Artificial Nutrition at the End of Life

Believe in a Less Painful Tomorrow

Can Patient Beliefs Enhance Drug Effectiveness?

Caring for the Dying in Hospice

Decreased Ability to Swallow During the Dying Process

Decreased Swallowing Reflex in Hospice Patients

Finding the Bright Side

Frequently Asked Questions By Patients and Families

Guidelines for Proper Disposal of Medications in Hospice

Helping Children Cope with Loss

Helping Those Who Are Feeling Afraid in Hospice

How to Cope with Disorientation and Confusion in Hospice

How To Deal With A Loss of Appetite

How to Give Medication Through a Feeding Tube

How to Help a Person Who is Grieving

How to Manage Nausea and Vomiting

Identifying Breathing Changes in Hospice

Liquid Concentrated Opioid CRT

Living with Loss and Grief

Looking Back at Your Time

Making Decisions About Memorial and Funeral Services

Preventing Infection by Washing Hands

Taking Care of Someone in Bed

The Chemical Messengers in Hospice

The Guide to Dealing with Anxiety in Hospice

The Importance of Journaling

The Power of Endorphins and Opioids in Hospice

What are Nebulizers and How to Use Them

What are the Causes and Treatment of Constipation?

What is Near Death Awareness in Hospice Care?

What is Neuroplasticity?

What is Restlessness?

Your Hospice Team and Volunteers