Florida Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders (1hr Hospice/Nursing Home)

Our Florida Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders one-hour training course is meticulously designed to equip you with essential skills for managing Alzheimer’s and related disorders in a hospice or nursing home setting. This course is approved by the Florida Department of Elder Affairs for 1 CEU, ensuring you receive top-notch training from a Florida-accredited training provider.

Florida Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders training videos

Skills You’ll Learn

  • Recognize Stages: Quickly identify the various stages of Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders (ADRD), enhancing your caregiving precision.
  • Communicate Effectively: Master the art of communicating with ADRD patients, fostering understanding and trust.
  • Care Management: Strategically manage care for ADRD patients, prioritizing comfort and dignity.
  • Support for Caregivers: Provide actionable support to caregivers, easing their journey and enhancing patient care.

Course Content Overview

Delve into the intricacies of Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and related disorders. Explore the symptoms, behaviors, and challenges unique to each stage. Learn communication strategies and care management techniques tailored for hospice environments, including nursing homes and assisted living facilities. This course is not just an information trove—it’s a blueprint for compassionate and competent care.

Course Features

This online Florida Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders course is built using Continua Learning action and skill-focused training:

  • Action-Oriented Learning: Instead of just absorbing information, your staff will practice actions directly contributing to your agency’s success. 
  • Enhanced Hospice Compliance: With real-world scenarios, staff are better prepared for audits, ensuring your agency exceeds compliance standards.
  • Engaging & Interactive: Gone are the monotonous click-next formats. Our courses are created with interactive elements that engage and reinforce learning.
  • Patient Satisfaction: Real-world action-focused training leads to more competent care, directly impacting patient satisfaction and your agency’s reputation. 
Florida Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders role play scenarios

Florida Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders Course Description

Understanding Alzheimer’s and Related Disorders

Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders (ADRD) present complex challenges in the hospice care setting. This section navigates you through the labyrinth of symptoms and behaviors associated with ADRD, offering clarity and actionable insights.

Communicating with ADRD Patients

Effective communication is the cornerstone of quality care. Learn how to bridge the communication gap with ADRD patients, employing proven strategies that respect their dignity and foster better care outcomes.

Managing ADRD Care in Hospice

Care management for ADRD patients requires a delicate balance of knowledge, empathy, and strategy. This segment equips you with the tools to manage care effectively, ensuring patient comfort and support for caregivers.

High Quality Hospice Education for Nurses

Simplify Your Hospice Team’s Training and Skill Building

A complete solution for your agency: more than 125 hospice courses, caregiver in-services, training plans, and more.

Supporting Caregivers of ADRD Patients

Caregivers are the unsung heroes in the journey of ADRD. This course empowers you to provide them with the necessary support, making a significant difference in the lives of both caregivers and patients.

Who is this course for?

This course is tailored for nurses, hospice aides, and caregivers seeking to enhance their care for patients with Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders in Florida.

Embark on this journey of learning and empowerment. Equip yourself with the skills, knowledge, and empathy required to transform the lives of those affected by Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders. Your commitment to excellence begins here, with “1 Hour Florida Hospice Alzheimer Training.”

Florida Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders

How to Get Started Training

Florida Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders 1hr is designed for hospice nurses, aides, and indirect care team members at a beginner to intermediate level.

How to Start Training

Florida Alzheimer’s Disease or Related Disorders (1hr Hospice/Nursing Home) is part of a yearly subscription to Continua Learning. Continua Learning delivers over 200 hospice training courses and aide in-services in a mobile solution for easy compliance and tracking it all from one place. Contact us to set up a demo for your agency today!

Elevate your expertise. Enhance patient satisfaction. Start training today.

Florida Alzheimer’s Disease or Related Disorders (1hr Hospice/Nursing Home) CEUs

Florida Alzheimer’s Disease or Related Disorders (1hr Hospice/Nursing Home) offers 1 Contact Hour for nurses and aides. Continua Learning is approved by the Florida Department of Elder Affairs:

  • Training Provider Approval: HSP 10200
  • Hospice Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders 1-Hour Curriculum approval number HSP AD 9968

Florida Department of Elder Affairs Approved Training Provider

Kathleen Webster, BSN, RN, CRRN, brings nearly four decades of nursing experience to her role. Earning her BSN in 1984 and CRRN in 2012, she began her career in acute rehabilitation and later specialized in hospice and home health care for over 25 years. 

A seasoned educator, Kathleen has authored numerous eLearning courses and led in-service training programs. As a former community care program director, she trained in-home aides and is committed to inspiring quality care and compassion in hospice and home care. 


What is the Florida Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders (ADRD) Training (1hr)?

The Florida ADRD Training is a one-hour course to improve the participant’s understanding and management of Alzheimer’s Disease and related disorders. This program is designed for direct care employees working in adult day care or home health care settings who are in regular contact with patients suffering from these conditions.

What are the requirements to adhere to the ADRD Training according to the Florida Statute?

The 2023 Florida Statute requires adult day care and adult day service employees to complete a one-hour initial training on Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders provided by a DOEA-approved registered training provider.

Does the ADRD Training also cover behavioral and psychiatric aspects of Alzheimer’s and related disorders?

Yes, the ADRD training covers various aspects, including behavioral and psychiatric symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders. The curriculum focuses on dementia sensitivity training and guidelines for managing common issues.

Who certifies the completion of this training and provides the certificates?

The completion of the training is certified by a DOEA-approved ADRD trainer or registered training provider. Upon completion, a certificate is issued to demonstrate that the training requirements have been met.

What is the course curriculum for this one-hour ADRD training?

The curriculum covers various topics, including Alzheimer’s disease overview, behavioral and psychiatric symptoms, communication techniques, managing daily care tasks, safety guidelines, and coping strategies for caregivers. This ensures a well-rounded training that covers critical aspects of caring for persons with Alzheimer’s and related disorders.

Are there future changes planned for the 2023 ADRD Training Program?

A: The ADRD training program is continually updated to reflect the best current knowledge about Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders. The information about any future changes in the curriculum, guidelines, or requirements based on Florida Statute updates would be provided by the training provider or official resources.

What are the guidelines for a trainer providing this ADRD training?

A trainer providing the ADRD training must adhere to DOEA guidelines and provide evidence of their license and approval. Also, they must stay updated with the Florida Statute requirements about Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders training to maintain their eligibility.