Discussing the Last Days of Life in Hospice


For many people talking about death is difficult. Patients and their family/caregivers that have had these conversations before the actual time of need are better prepared to make this time more meaningful and comfortable.

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The following questions can be used as a guide to help you have conversations about life’s end. Read through the following questions. If you feel comfortable, try to start a conversation with your patient and family using the questions below that may apply.

  • Have you thought about what you want your last weeks or days to be like?
  • What would you like this time to be like?
  • Where would you like to be?
  • What would you like to be surrounded by?
  • What do you think would make you comfortable at that time?
  • Who would you like to be with you?
  • Is there anyone you would like to see before the last weeks or days?
  • Do you want any specific prayers, rituals, sacraments to be a part of that time? If so, what?
  • Who would you like to be a part of those?
  • Is there anything you would like to do to prepare for that time?
  • Are there any concerns or fears you have?
  • Is there anything I can do for you during that time?

Collaborate with psychosocial and spiritual care professional staff for help and support in initiating these conversations and following up with patient and family needs and wishes.

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