A Guide on How to Help Someone Stand


If someone needs help getting in and out of a chair or bed, give them a minute to rest sitting up on the edge before helping them to stand. Observe their color and facial Expression.

You should not help a person up if you notice any of the following:

  • If they seem suddenly very pale
  • If they seem to be perspiring excessively
  • If they tell you they feel dizzy, faint, too weak or too tired

To help someone stand:

  • Assist them to a sitting position with feet placed flat on the floor.
  • Ask them to scoot their buttocks as far as possible to the edge of the chair or bed.
  • If they can, ask them to place their hands firmly on the bed, or the arms of the chair they are sitting in, and push with their arms, while you steady them with one arm around their back. It helps if they lean forward with their head as they stand.
  • If they need more assistance, stand in front of the person and wrap your arms around the person under their arms, and ask them to put their arms around your waist.
  • Remember to use your leg muscles – not your back – to do most of the lifting.
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The following technique may be used in assisting a person to move from bed to wheel chair, to bedside commode chair or to a regular chair. Transferring someone requires strength and balance.

If you have health limitations or aren’t sure that you can safely offer assistance, please do not attempt this without talking to your hospice nurse or your personal health care provider. Your safety and the safety of the person you care for is at risk. Remember that as a caregiver your well-being is vital to the care of the person you are assisting.

  • Position the chair as close to the bed as possible with the side arm parallel to the bed. Remember to set the brake on bed and wheelchair.
  • Lower the side rail and position the bed at a level that will allow the feet to rest flat on the floor. Assist the person to stand using the suggestions above.
  • Provide support as needed and turn so the backs of the person’s legs are close to the chair. Move with the person as they ease down into the chair.
  • Avoid twisting your back or trunk – take small steps to turn in place.
  • Make sure the person’s hips are all the way back in the seat.
  • Adjust the leg/foot rests on a wheelchair to support their legs.

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