Hospice Wound Care Training

Commence your journey of understanding hospice wound care with our dedicated training program. Enhance your abilities and build self-assuredness in providing empathetic, skilled care to individuals who are in the most sensitive phase of life.

Skills You’ll Learn

  • Risk Identification: Recognize factors that escalate the risk of skin breakdown.
  • Comprehensive Assessment: Conduct thorough skin assessments with confidence.
  • Palliative Goals: Set and pursue palliative wound care objectives.
  • Wound Treatments: Select and apply treatments for various wound types.
  • Documentation Mastery: Document assessments and stages accurately and efficiently.
  • Continued Competence: Advance your professional development through accredited education.
hospice wound care training videos

Course Content Overview

This concise yet comprehensive course encompasses the following modules:

  • Introduction to Hospice Wound Care
  • Risk Factors and Prevention Strategies
  • Skin Assessment Techniques
  • Palliative Care Objectives and Treatments
  • Wound Documentation and Staging
  • Legal and Ethical Considerations in Wound Care

Continua Learning Course Features

This online hospice wound care training is built using Continua Learning action and skill-focused training:

  • Action-Oriented Learning: Instead of just absorbing information, your staff will practice actions directly contributing to your agency’s success. 
  • Enhanced Hospice Compliance: With real-world scenarios, staff are better prepared for audits, ensuring your agency exceeds compliance standards.
  • Engaging & Interactive: Gone are the monotonous click-next formats. Our courses are created with interactive elements that engage and reinforce learning.
  • Patient Satisfaction: Real-world action-focused training leads to more competent care, directly impacting patient satisfaction and your agency’s reputation. 
hospice wound care guidelines

Hospice Wound Care Training Course Description

Understanding Wound Care in Hospice

As a hospice or palliative care professional, you encounter wounds that present unique challenges in a hospice setting. This course, accredited for 1.0 contact hour, is designed to empower you with the knowledge to manage wound care effectively.

Delving into Skin Breakdown and Assessment

You’ll start by identifying key factors that lead to skin breakdown. We’ll guide you through the stages of wound assessment—from initial observation to detailed documentation.

Navigating Palliative Care Goals

Learn to set realistic, patient-centered goals. We cover less aggressive, symptom-managing approaches tailored to enhance the quality of life for hospice patients.

Treatment Selection and Application

Gain insights into various wound types, including pressure and diabetic ulcers. We’ll teach you to choose the proper dressing, manage exudate, and counter odor effectively.

High Quality Hospice Education for Nurses

Simplify Your Hospice Team’s Training and Skill Building

A complete solution for your agency: more than 125 hospice courses, caregiver in-services, training plans, and more.

Advanced Documentation Skills

Beyond assessment, you’ll master the art of meticulous documentation. We’ll provide strategies to assist in accurately identifying and staging wounds, which are critical for effective management and legal compliance.

Hospice Wound Care Standing Orders

In this vital section, you’ll learn how to implement standing orders—the protocols that set the standard for managing wound care in hospice. These orders ensure consistent and effective care, allowing you to manage wound care with authority and precision.

Hospice Wound Care Guidelines

Explore hospice wound care guidelines to deliver care that meets the highest standards. We’ll dive into the best practices for wound care in a hospice setting, emphasizing interprofessional collaboration to optimize patient outcomes.

Accreditation and Professional Advancement

This course concludes with a review module to ensure your readiness for the final assessment. Upon completing the course, you’ll receive a certificate that contributes to your continuing hospice and palliative education and supports your license renewal.

hospice wound care standing orders

How to Get Started with Hospice Wound Care Training

This course is tailored for nurses and hospice aides seeking to enhance their wound care expertise and fulfill their continuing education requirements.

How to Start Training

Hospice Wound Care Training in Hospice Care is part of a yearly subscription to Continua Learning. Continua Learning delivers over 200 hospice training courses and aide in-services in a mobile solution for easy compliance and tracking it all from one place. Contact us to set up a demo for your agency today!

Elevate your expertise. Enhance patient satisfaction. Start training with the Hospice Wound Care Training course today.

Hospice Wound Care Training Continuing Education

Hospice Wound Care Training in Hospice Care offers 1 Contact Hour for Nursing, Certified Nursing Assistants, Home Health, and Hospice Aides. Continua Learning is an approved provider of CEUs from the following boards:

  • Florida Board of Nursing
  • Florida Board Of Occupational Therapy
  • Florida Board Of Speech – Language Pathology And Audiology
  • Florida Board Of Nursing – Certified Nursing Assistants

Course Reviewer

Kathleen Webster, BSN, RN, CRRN, brings nearly four decades of nursing experience to her role. Earning her BSN in 1984 and CRRN in 2012, she began her career in acute rehabilitation and later specialized in hospice and home health care for over 25 years. 

A seasoned educator, Kathleen has authored numerous eLearning courses and led in-service training programs. As a former community care program director, she trained in-home aides and is committed to inspiring quality care and compassion in hospice and home care. 


Does this course cover the management of chronic wounds in a hospice setting?

Yes, our course provides extensive knowledge on managing chronic wounds, focusing on the unique needs of hospice patients. You’ll learn strategies to prevent deterioration while ensuring comfort and dignity.

Can I receive a certificate upon completing the course for my nursing education credits?

Absolutely, upon successful completion, participants receive a certificate that can be used to fulfill continuing nursing education requirements for license renewal.

How does the course address the assessment and treatment of pressure ulcers in hospice care?

We offer detailed modules on the assessment and evidence-based treatment of pressure ulcers, including symptom management and dressing selection, tailored specifically for the hospice care environment.

Are there modules on diabetic ulcers and their unique challenges in hospice patients?

Yes, the course includes specialized content on diabetic ulcers, providing you with the knowledge to implement the most appropriate and less aggressive care strategies for hospice patients.

What guidelines does the course provide for documenting wound care in a clinical or home care setting?

The course emphasizes the importance of thorough and accurate documentation in clinical and home care settings, teaching you how to monitor and record wound care progress effectively.

Is interprofessional collaboration discussed in the course for enhanced wound care education?

Yes, the course highlights the role of interprofessional collaboration, offering strategies to enhance wound care education among various hospice and palliative care providers involved in a patient’s care.